
Advanced Driver Assistance Systems - Test Solutions
As advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS) introduce new technology into vehicles, they need adaptable,...

AURIX™ as a safety controller and ISO 13849
Benefit from the experts of the AURIX™ Preferred Design House and download our white paper! Infineon's...

Top Motor Braking Trends In The Automotive Industry
Brakes are some of the most crucial safety components in automobiles. Used to slow a vehicle's momentum...

Interfacing Microcontrollers to the Industrial World
Utilizing embedded microcontrollers for industrial applications requires special attention given the...

Device Security for the IIoT
The Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) is driving investment in new technology and manufacturing methodologies...

Top 10 Concerns For Signal Connections
As more and more devices are added to the plant floor, secure and reliable signal connections are of...

Key Considerations for Powertrain HIL Test
Safety, availability, and cost considerations can make performing thorough tests of embedded control...

Nuventix SynJet® Reliability
Nuventix is the leader in the successful production of highly reliable fanless forced air cooler components...

Top 3 Applications Every Tire Manufacturer Should Safeguard
The fundamental process for making a tire hasn't changed much in 50 years. The compounds, components,...

RF MEMS Switch: What You Need to Know
In this application note, the basic operation principle and driving method for OMRON's MEMS switch (2SMES-01),...
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