
An Overview of Motion Processing Solutions for Consumer Products
This paper discusses the usage of common sensor types and how sensors can be effectively combined in...

Enabling Multi-Host System Designs with PCI Express Technology
Although not part of the PCI Express spec, nontransparent bridging is completely consistent with it and...

Updated Facts On 2015 HCFC-225 Usage Ban
Beginning January 1, 2015, HCFC-225 (also called “AK225”), a common precision solvent for high-end...

This paper discusses the challenges and success factors for creating the world's first integrated MEMS...

Maximize Your Uptime: Reducing Risk of Power Supply Failure
Low-power electrical transients generated within a facility are the primary cause of failure to AC/DC...

Pierce-Gate Crystal Oscillator, an introduction
The most common gate oscillator in use today is by far the Pierce-Gate. Its popularity stems from the...

Dual Stage Feedback Technique for Single - Pole Feedback Compensation
This paper processes and studies the effects of a dual - stage compensation technique for achieving greater...

XP Tips and Tricks
XP Power offers advice on power supply design, which could help with your next design. Most electronics...

EMC Test Solutions on The Cutting Edge
Upcoming technologies such as 5G for wireless communications and the increasing amount of integrated...

Optimizing POL Transient Response with the Tunable LoopTM Feature
Since Point of Loads (POLs) are small, efficient and relatively inexpensive, their utility in providing...
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