
Material Advances Enable New Generation of Power Inductors
Designers building power inductors for today's highly volume mobile markets face a difficult dilemma....

Factorized Power Architecture and V•I Chips
As electronic systems continue to trend toward lower voltages with higher currents and as the speed of...

Implementing Flexible USB Type-C Control Using FPGA Technology
Type-C interfaces bring dramatic benefits to consumers. However, in order to realize this potential designers...

System designers are faced with continual pressure to meet their development schedules, and need to implement...

The PI33XX: Zero-Voltage Switching Applied to Buck Regulation
The Picor PI33XX Cool-Power® ZVS Buck Regulator Series delivers maximum power density and high effi...

JESD204A for wireless base station and radar systems
Digital Signal Processing (DSP) technology continues to transform radar systems and wireless cellular...

XMOS Timing Analyzer Whitepaper
To guarantee the correct behavior of real-time software running on embedded processors can pose a significant...

Modern Motor Control Applications and Trends
This paper reviews the state of the art of electric drives technology in three specific areas (a) technical...

Accurately measuring efficiency of ultralow-IQ devices
While almost every power-supply engineer intimately knows and understands the lab setup for measuring...
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